Covid-19 and Snow Hill

Dear Snow Hill Folks – Members/Attenders/Guests:
We have been monitoring the current news and information regarding the coronavirus outbreak, or Covid-19. We want to provide answers to some anticipated questions. As you read through this short list know that we are praying for those who are or will contract this virus. We will trust that God will provide those skilled in our health fields to be strengthened. We will trust a successful vaccine will be developed at the earliest possible occasion. In the meantime, we will act with prudence and in preparation to do what we are able in these troubled times.
Q: Will Snow Hill have in-person Bible Study and Worship tomorrow, March 15?
A: The simple answer is, Yes. A more complete answer would be that we will have Bible Study and Worship with the following suggestions.
- If you have been sick in the past several days, we suggest you might stay home tomorrow.
- If you are over 65 and have underlying health issues – diabetes, heart or lung issues, compromised immune system – the CDC is recommending you avoid large gatherings. If you are over 80, you are in the highest age-risk category. Please do not feel guilty about staying home.
Q: If we fall into those categories what options do we have to participate in Bible Study and Worship?
A: We have been Livestreaming our services. You will find the link to our YouTube channel here. The link is also on our Facebook Page. We will be making future plans for a streaming Bible Study option.
Q: Will Snow Hill cancel in-person worship?
A: The simple answer is, Yes. A more complete answer would include that we are meeting tomorrow afternoon at 5:00 p.m. to discuss a number of regular ministry activities as well as Bible Study and Worship for the coming weeks.
Q: How may we continue to give our tithes and offerings if we cannot attend or if Snow Hill postpones in-person gatherings?
A: We have long provided a safe and secure online Giving option. Here is a link to our Online Giving Page. Though we may believe it more prudent to postpone in-person gatherings at some point, we will continue important ministries that call for financial resources. We realize we have often been conditioned to only give if we attend a gathering. However, our needs continue no matter who of us will need to be elsewhere at the times of our Bible Study and Worship.
Q: Will Snow Hill continue to operate the Community of Hope Food Pantry?
A: Yes. Again, we will discuss what this will look like at our meeting tomorrow at 5:00 p.m.
Q: Will the Snow Hill Office be Open?
A: Currently, the answer is, Yes. Should there be a need for Staff to work from Home, we will make this announcement.
Q: Is Snow Hill afraid of the current health crisis?
A: No. We want to be prepared, not panic. Fear is a natural emotion in times of uncertainty. We will trust Jesus who instructed his followers to trust and not fear. We will seize opportunities to care for the most vulnerable among us and in our community as is our mission day in and day out.
What other questions do you have?
Let’s pray for one another, those who suffer from this virus, caregivers and world leaders that we may set aside whatever divisions we experience to render love and care in the Name of Jesus to all.
Pastor Todd