Call it the Information Age or describe it as a well-connected world, it is clear the Gospel Good News is not exclusive to a community or a church. Snow Hill partners with groups and individuals to support declaring the Good News - Jesus Is Lord - and serving others in the Name of Jesus.

Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma

Snow Hill has been a cooperating church with the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and the Southern Baptist Convention since 1955. The relationships provide resources to the church to assist in its work and gives an opportunities for churches to send resources for mission causes in Oklahoma and around the world. Christin education, Gospel proclamation, Disaster Relief, Church Planting and more carry on as churches give to the work of these entities to declare that Jesus Is Lord in ways a single local church could not do on its own.

Missionary Partners 

Beyond the scope of the mission-sending done by the Southern Baptist Convention, Snow Hill supports in prayer and resources other young people who are following the lead of the Spirit of God into other parts of the world to share the Good News. On occasion this has included other groups directly supported by gifts given through Snow Hill.

Jesus invites people into his life and his way. He takes what is and points to the new way of the Kingdom of God. Come see what this journey is all about!

One way to think about the mission of Jesus - He calls into question the way things are and points to the way things may be in the Kingdom of God.