Women’s Ministry

Our mission is to serve and fellowship with the women in our church, as we strive to be a witness to those around us and those we meet. The Women’s Ministry meets once a month at 7:00pm in the fellowship hall (room  300) to share a Bible based devotional, prayer concerns, praises and work on a service project.

In early 2018, we worshipped with Priscilla Shirer via her simulcast, and out of that experience grew a group of ladies who had the desire to gather often to hold each other up in prayer, study God’s word and fellowship , all while searching for ways to witness.

In November, we sponsored a church-wide Baby Bottle Campaign for Hope Pregnancy Center. In December, we toured the center’s south location as we also secured a guest speaker for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

The Women’s Ministry invites you to join us!

Team Leaders: Judith Paul, Jeanene Cummings, Lydia Dennis

Men’s Ministry

We invite men to gather with us for breakfast as scheduled. Who doesn’t like eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy. Our time is spend getting to know the men in our church and community. We always welcome friends. Our schedule is updated on the Snow Hill App. We take the time to pray together and share in a short reflection on the Scriptures. From time to time we may have a guest speaker.

Our Blue Collar Crew is made up of those interested and able to help with handyman needs. One of our primary goals is to care for the widows and widowers in our church. We do not restrict our efforts to just those who are part of our church. As we are made aware of needs of needs we get word around, assemble a team and notify participants as to when we will meet and the nature of the task. We have helped mow, weedeat, clear brush, trim trees and more.

Homebound Ministry

The Homebound Ministry Team serves and visits those who are unable to do things that they would like to do.  We take meals to some on our list on Wednesday nights from September through May.  We take cookies, gift bags and different items throughout the year, often around different holidays,

Our Home bound Team consists of:

  • Mae McDaniel
  • Norma Moulton
  • Jeanene Cummings
  • Ginny Tripp
  • Judith Paul
  • JoAnn Cobble
  • Lydia Dennis
  • Eloise and Bob Outlaw
  • Ginny Williams
  • Pat Robbins
  • Carrie Streber

We could use more members on our team, and if you know of someone that needs our help, we would be glad to include them in our ministry.

Team Leader: Mae McDaniels

Jesus invites people into his life and his way. He takes what is and points to the new way of the Kingdom of God. Come see what this journey is all about!

One way to think about the mission of Jesus - He calls into question the way things are and points to the way things may be in the Kingdom of God.