
We are bringing breakfast back! That’s right, Men’s Breakfast. We have a date – Saturday, February 23, 2019. That is THIS week! We have the time – 8:00 a.m. And, we have food and cooks!

We are sure there are some folks you have seen across the room on Sunday morning. Maybe putting up chairs has kept you from meetingĀ a new face. There is no better place to get to know other men at Snow Hill than at Men’s Breakfast. We know some boys are coming with their Dads. Meeting new friends may be fun for them too.

We look forward to seeing you THIS Saturday!

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Jesus invites people into his life and his way. He takes what is and points to the new way of the Kingdom of God. Come see what this journey is all about!

One way to think about the mission of Jesus - He calls into question the way things are and points to the way things may be in the Kingdom of God.