Self-Giving Love and Toboggans

Podcast Episode

Sunday, May 1, 2016: Sixth Sunday of Easter, Theme: Turning Out
Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Proverbs 25:21-22
Pastor Todd
Here is the video referenced at the beginning of the message . . .

And, here are the two quotes  used . . .

“True community brings us into contact with people who expose our jealousies, impatience, intolerance, pettiness, selfishness, and vanity. Consequently, persisting and sticking with community – what the monastic tradition calls a vow of stability, the covenantal promise to stick with each other through thick and thin – is a spiritual discipline where you are working out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”

(Richard Beck)

“Community is the place where our limitations, our fears, and our egotism are revealed to us. We discover our poverty and our weaknesses, our inability to get on with some people, our mental and emotional blocks, our affective and sexual disturbances, our seemingly insatiable desires our frustrations and jealousies, our hatred and our wish to destroy. While we are alone, we could believe we love everyone. Now that we are with others, living with them all the time, we realize how incapable we are of loving, how much we deny to others, how closed in on ourselves we are.”

(Jean Vanier quoted by Richard Beck)

Jesus invites people into his life and his way. He takes what is and points to the new way of the Kingdom of God. Come see what this journey is all about!

One way to think about the mission of Jesus - He calls into question the way things are and points to the way things may be in the Kingdom of God.