Attended Even When We Feel Unattended, Now That Is Good News

Podcast Episode

Emergency workers attend to the driver of a car that crashed into The  Grasshopper Shop on Main Street in Rockland around noontime Saturday. Emergency responders are(from left) Lieutenant Rich Johnson, Assistant Chief Ken Elwell, Firefighter Arthur Hutchinson, Firefighter Rodney Gibbs, and Paramedic Mike Percy.     PHOTO COURTESY OF ROCKLAND FIRE DEPT / ALAN ATHERN
Sunday, November 20, 2016 – Christ the King/Reign of Christ Sunday
Text: Jeremiah 23:1-8; John 10:11-18
Pastor Todd

Jesus invites people into his life and his way. He takes what is and points to the new way of the Kingdom of God. Come see what this journey is all about!

One way to think about the mission of Jesus - He calls into question the way things are and points to the way things may be in the Kingdom of God.